This is Claude, aged 92 and a half

He's on his first ever demonstration march

Claude like many others in this country cannot stand seeing everything around him being taken apart by Brexit. Enough is enough. So Claude did what so many others did yesterday - a million souls in all by conservative estimates - and he took to the streets of London to say:

give the people the final say

Claude recently became a Liberal Democrats supporter:

I am passionate to get rid of Dominic Raab and I am of the view that the LibDems are reviving and deserve every support

As to my reasons for joining the LibDems, as I have explained:

I am a central European refugee, born in Germany of Czechoslovakian citizenship until following the arrival of Mr Hitler My parents moved to Belgium in 1935 from where I was sent to English Boarding schools for my modest education and became naturalised British in 1944. My parents were "Social democrats" and that was the atmosphere in which I was brought up.

Claude went on to say:

The important thing now is somehow to get rid of that terrible "bloody difficult woman" and hopefully to get a vote for the people to which end I will be joining the march tomorrow.

If you feel like Claude then please support us.