The NHS is in crisis

The NHS and social care services are in a state of crisis: families in Esher and Walton wait too long for GP appointments, for urgent treatment at local A&E units and for mental health support for their children.

Our NHS is under-funded and facing rising demand from an ageing population, and under Boris Johnson, it’s never been under greater threat from privatisation; his deregulatory, free-marketeer Cabinet is in thrall to big business lobbyists who seek to undermine public health measures; and social care reform, promised for a decade, remains intractable, placing elderly people and their families under severe financial pressure and stress.

The Liberal Democrats will invest a penny in every pound on income tax in health and care services while the £50bn Remain Bonus (money saved if we don’t leave the EU) will also be available to restore our ailing public services. Along with measures to support staff across the NHS and community services, we will be able to invest in hospitals and equipment, using our £100bn capital fund and to create parity for physical and mental health, with a 24-hour service to support those with mental health needs.


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